food – Page 2 – Dani Valent

11 delicious no-cook plates to bring to a party

It’s on. That party, the picnic, that “we have to catch up” get together. Yes, you’re looking forward to it – except for one thing. There’s that scary question you have to ask: “What can I bring?” There’s a danger that they won’t say, “Bring a few beers or some wine.” What if they say, “Oh, just a little plate of something”? You barely have time to get dressed let alone whip up a pavlova. But it doesn’t need to be a major stress. Bring-a-plate success is as easy as smart shopping and these summery no-cook solutions that will ensure you’re invited back.

Talking making & growing food from scratch on ABC Afternoons

I love dropping into 774 ABC Melbourne to chat to Clare Bowditch about food. This week we talked growing and making food from scratch. Clare was under the misapprehension that I was going to shower her audience with gardening tips. I had to dispel that rumour pretty fast and come clean about my very, very pale green thumb.

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